Monday, November 10, 2008

just thinking about home...

remembering train stations.
and these places of comings. and of goings.
and of older photographs. once taken.

just a quick note at the end of the day,

instead of writing the little notes of things i wanted to say...

but i finally booked my flight home today. for the holidays.

and my god it's been a long while.

three years of a long while.

and if i look back at how and where things were then,

it's like a lifetime has changed.

and yes. it feels good. already.

just thinking about home.

oh happy happy me.


Susan Schwake said...

sigh ... such twists and turns and the circle completes itself.
please please let's make plans now, so i can make it h a p p e n!
sorry i have been so absent lately, as you know, it's been a little overwhelming...

Anonymous said...

Oh Canadaaa....Oh lucky youuuuu... I hope you have a wonderful time back Home. Make sure you indulge in Tim Horton's hot chocolate while you're there. :)