Sunday, December 31, 2006

love. simpy love.

i can't believe that another year has come.

and gone.

today, i need to take time to sit down with a quiet moment,

reflect on what the past year has been. what it has brought.

but also on my wishes for the new year.

not so much resolutions. but wishes. hopes. dreams.

and just drinking sunday morning coffee,

i stumbled across these words. a quote.

from mother teresa.

and i think it says it all. beautifully. and honestly.

i have found the paradox,

that if you love until it hurts,

there can be no more hurt,

only more love.

- mother teresa -

and maybe that's one of my wishes for the new year.

love. simply love.

[photograph found once upon a time

at a flea market.

a moment in a strangers life.

forgotten and found again.]

Saturday, December 30, 2006

words. written on the heart.

i have been wanting to write. and write.

and not finding the words. or finding the time.

maybe it's better said,

of not speaking the words. or taking the time.

but i just read thru my mails from yesterday

and finding carrie & danielle's always lovely friday focus.

it inspired me. deeply.

even if i just find a few words to whisper right here and now.

and the first words that came to mind?

lightness. gratitude. clarity.

beauty. elegance. femininity.

abundance. passion. love. wealth.

respect. courage. discover. decision.

determination. faith. belief. wisdom.

radiance. honesty.

which are the words that you need written on the heart?