Sunday, February 11, 2007

the first piece...

first i don't write for what feels like months.
and then i overwhelm myself with three writings in one day.
but after a relatively, lesser productive sunday than planned,
i just bid on an auction on ebay.
and may i introduce, the first piece of furniture i just bought
for the new place.
at least the first official piece of furniture i've bought,
since i know how and where my new place is?
i'm not sure if this dresser is going to be in the bedroom,
or in the hallway or in the bathroom.
but i simply know that she had to be.
almost as though she was calling my name.
and that simply made me happy tonight.
now back to sorting thru one more pile of paper,
after the two garbage bins of paper i've just thrown out.
it still doesn't look like it's any less.
i'll just keep reminding myself, that each little bit
is eventually going to make a difference.
i might not see it today. or i might not see it tomorrow.
but i'll see the difference yet.
until then...
loves. much loves.


Anonymous said...

Hey there, Angela. I'm so glad that you've returned to writing posts. I've been missing you. :)

That is a pretty dresser, So feminine, and I can envision your fleurs on a lovely little pile on the top or maybe just one tucked in the center or in a corner.

As for the piles of paper...oh I hear you...I've been wondering why my cat will slowly chew paper next to me at 5am, while I'm trying to sleep, but won't go for the big yummy box of paper that needs to be shredded in the kitchen?

Morgan Moore said...

Gah- the dresser rocks! What a great purchase!

Susan Schwake said...

that dresser is SO perfect!!! ahem, it's monday now, what happened to the weekend?